That way, you can securely share the block with the "5". So you know, to get "8", you need this operation: "5" "+3" = 8. So to restore the file, you need the block "5" and the operation-block: "-3", which is turned into "+3". To restore the block to the file, you need the mathematical operation "-3", which is stored as well in one block as information. The the file has the 8 and the block has the 5. you have the number 8 and do the operation 8-3 =5. If you store that number in the gnutella3 client, the 128 bit blocks are XORed, which means shreddered to meaningless data. Any file is a very long number out of bits and bytes. See the wikipedia, what XORing is, it is a mathematical operation to make out af a number a new number. XORing Why sharing with gnutella3 is anonymous and secure Read more, why seeds still work, while the seeder is off-line (that´s why the "off" term is included in the hashlink).
Gnutella clients that still work download#
While the use in these clients could be tracked with its IP, if a user downloads or uploads (seeds and shares) a file, the new gnutella3 client and protocol keeps the users save: No IP is shown along a download link and uploading/seeding the file is possible, before giving the hashlink away. The gnutella3 network is a fully distributed secure alternative to popular filesharing clients like limewire, shareaza, emule, azureus or nytorrent. The gntuella3 project was founded in 2010 and provides anonymous file sharing:
Gnutella clients that still work torrent#
Gnutella3 is a peer-to-peer network protocol and a secure file sharing client, which combines the strength of the first decentralized file sharing network: gnutella and gnutella2, the very popular edonkey/emule network and third, the very fast torrent network.

(3) The p2p packets are http, so no firewall can stop them. You just need the hashlink in the future, to build the shreddered, meaningless and already spread blocks back to a file. (2) Uploading and seeding a file can be done in the past, that means downloading is possible with the seeders even offline. All the traffic shared in gnutella3 is blind traffic - just shreddered, meaningless datablocks you cannot refer to any specific file. (1) Downloading a gnutalla3-hashlink does not reveal the IP adresses of the seeders or of any other downloader. Gnutella3 offers three important security features, which gnutella 1/2, edonkey and torrend did not offer: Gnutella3 is a secure filesharing network.Please choose your language above to translate the website.